

Summer 2024 News and latest updates. It's finally summer. A wet and windy one so far for some of us, but always a great time to pick up a book and read! Great new developments to tell you about this month. Info on new releases, book recs and exciting upcoming events!.  Paperback Release Date   I can't believe the paperback version of THE NIGHT SIDE will be out soon! June 27th in the UK and August 27th in the US and Canada. Prices for Kindle and paperback are now way more reasonable, and you can pre-order the paperback by clicking here: PRE-ORDER THE NIGHT SIDE My talented panel colleagues at THRILLERFEST 2024 "SHOCKING GRIPPING or RELATABLE: CRAFTING GREAT OPENINGS" EVENTS: THRILLERFEST 2024 I had a wonderful time at Thrillerfest in New York City. Above you can see the panel of talented writers I shared the stage with. Even at 8:00 a.m on a Saturday morning, we had a big audience who asked plenty of questions. We chatted about how to craft great opening lines. How


  Pre-writing: The   Research Stage When a new story idea is formulating in my head, the first thing I do is pick out a beautiful notebook, usually a large-sized lined one that becomes the dedicated notebook for that novel. I now have two bookshelves filled with notebooks. They're a reminder of all the work that went into each book. Once I've jotted down some of my ideas and have a loose story structure, I begin researching for details and background info that might help me flesh out the story. In the case of THE NIGHT SIDE, I did a great deal of reading about psychics, the Tarot, and the investigators that make it their business to search out the con artists and grifters who use their psychic business as a cover for extortion and fraud. The Facts and Figures A recent US study on psychic businesses (Tarot card/palm readings/astrological advice etc) outlines the following statistics: 4 in 10 US adults believe in psychics there are at least 94,000 psychic businesses in the US  it

The Angel at the Hearth

THE ANGEL AT THE HEARTH While doing research for my book, The Savage Instinct,  I kept coming across a term that was used to define the role of women during the Victorian era. The term  Angel at the Hearth  or  Angel in the House  defined the ideal image and essence of womanhood. It was widely portrayed in the art and literature of the time and was used as a standard to define the perfect woman, mother and wife. This idea actually gave rise to a whole genre of painting known as  domestic pictures  in which the ideal wife was portrayed as an earthly though angelic Madonna, soothing, comforting and submitting to her husband. Selflessly encouraging, watching over and nurturing her children while presiding over a well ordered, highly moral household. A poet named Coventry Patmore actually coined the term in his narrative poem  The Angel in the House,  first published in 1854 and   dedicated his first wife, Emily, whom he considered the ideal woman. Emily Patmore, painted by John Everett Mi


By now you should be winding down for a relaxing weekend with friends and family. Maybe you're lucky enough to be extending your holiday by going somewhere warm and tropical. A cruise, perhaps or a stay in an exotic resort. Whatever you choose I hope you have time to sit back, relax drink some egg nog and READ a good book!! That's why today's post is longer because I'm recommending some great books I've read this year. I'm also going to mention some amazing poems to listen to as well as music I've been using while working on my latest novel.  THE NIGHT SIDE LAUNCH NEWS I had a lovely launch party with family and friends who've also been loyal fans. If you missed any of my podcast appearances, you can still see them at THE THRILLER ZONE  and the POISONED PEN BOOKSTORE . You can also check out my article in Crimereads  entitled Mystic Threads, Spirit Mediums and Psychics in Crime Fiction. Don't forget to comment or leave a thumbs up!  Also, the best g