Can you judge a book by its cover? I guess the answer is yes if the cover looks like this: If you're reaching for something with this kind of cover, you're looking for a good bodice-ripping romance with a husky he-man prancing across the hills on a white horse in search of his lusty, red-haired lass whose shirt always slips off her shoulder at the right time. Or this: This on the other hand promises plenty of gore and torture at the hands of a panda-faced maniac who's adding something nasty to the pasta sauce. Enough of the extremes! Covers are extremely important since they contain the all-important title and image that either draws us to or drives us away from picking up the book. Some covers have such an impact they've become iconic. Here are a few: Francis Cugat designed the cover of The Great Gatsby, when F. Scott Fitzgerald was still writing the novel. Fitzgerald like it so much he claimed to have written it into the story. As all students of th