
Showing posts from September, 2015


On Sunday evening I just returned from the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers' Conference in Denver, Colorado. I have to say that this was one of the most inspiring conferences I've attended. The location was incredible - the Westin at Westminster - a beautiful hotel standing on the edge of a small lake with a backdrop of mountains in the distance. Writers of all types were there. From first-timers with a first novel in progress, to published authors - both indie and traditionally published. Since writing is such a solitary occupation, you can imagine how great it is to get together and finally talk with people who are in the same boat as you. Too often friends and family really can't identify with the writers' life, so it's great to get together and finally talk shop to someone who's interested! A wide array of workshops and presentations were available. It was valuable to hear first hand from agents and publishers about new trends in the publishing industr