The Ruined Abbey

" The abbey is a most noble ruin, of immense size, and full of beautiful and romantic bits; there is a legend that a white lady is seen in one of the windows. " ( Stoker 1890) Bram Stoker It's easy to see why Bram Stoker was so taken by the village of Whitby with its ruined abbey brooding from the cliff top above the quaint Victorian harbour. The day I visited Whitby was a brilliant sunny day with crowds of holidaymakers taking advantage of the welcome spring weather, but despite the blazing sunlight the abbey still looked dramatic with its towering Gothic arches and jagged spires. The steps to the abbey ruins It's a gruelling but spectacular climb up the 199 steps up towards the abbey. At the top, guides in monk's costumes invited me to walk the circular labyrinth and ponder on the mysticism of the place. Not surprisingly the abbey attracts some strange enthusiasts and I encountered a dabbler in New Age magic who was looking for...