While preparing my new episodic novel SEARCHING FOR ROBERT P for publication, I had a long time to reflect on how much things have changed in the forty years (is it that long?!!!) since the mid-seventies . I also discovered that some things don't change, regardless of the era. Here are a few observations: Long haired men were sexy: In contrast to the carefully groomed/shaved hairdos of today's young men, sexy seventies guys had long hair and lots of it. Check out these pics of seventies icons, Robert Plant and Ted Nugent: Too bad "mullets" were already making an appearance on the scene. Check out Paul McCartney's 70's "do" Smoking was "Glam": Unfortunately in the 70's, smoking was part of a "cool" image. That meant restaurants, nightclubs and pubs were smoke-filled dens. After a night on the town - even if you were a non-smoker - you'd inhaled the smoke from a thousand other people...