
Showing posts from October, 2018


It's been at least six months since I wrote a new blog post, so I thought I'd better get back to it before it's too late. I've been reading lots and writing even more. The good news is that I've been doing major revisions on one of my novels, which has finally caught the attention of a publisher. But - more on that in later blogs!! I thought I'd ease back into the blog by highlighting some great books I've read that I hope you'll enjoy too. Here goes: THE CURIOSITY by Stephen Kearns This debut novel tells a powerful emotional story while posing profound questions about scientific ethics and how far science should go in playing "God." Dr. Kate Philo embarks on a scientific project run by the egotistical Dr Erastus Carthage, a man more interested in money and self-promotion than actual scientific discovery. They travel to the Arctic in search of small plankton-like creatures frozen in the ice, with the intention of bringing them "