Three Forgotten Feminists
Yes - and one of them is a guy!
Over a hundred years before Gloria Steinem, Germaine Greer and Simone de Beauvoir three brave intellectuals swept aside the objections of all the stodgy chauvinists running 18th and 19th century England and insisted that women should enjoy equality with men. I reference them all in my new novel, Unnatural. Who were they?
Mary Wollstonecraft |
philosopher and advocate of women’s rights.
Mother of the famous Mary Shelly (author of Frankenstein) After a rough
family life with a violent father she founded a school, became a high-ranking
and respected intellectual, penned A
Vindication of the Rights of Women, among many other books and essays, and
ridiculed the image of the “trivial sexualized female – obsessed with
appearance and living an empty, self gratifying life with male admiration as
its only purpose.”
Read more about her
Harriet Martineau |
Credited with
being the first female sociologist. She wrote many books and pamphlets that made economic and sociological theories understandable for everyone and campaigned
for the rights of slaves, servants, women and children.
Learn more
JOHN STUART MILL (1806-1873)
British philosopher, political economist and civil servant
[T]he legal subordination of one sex to another — is wrong in itself, and now
one of the chief hindrances to human improvement; and that it ought to be
replaced by a system of perfect equality, admitting no power and privilege on
the one side, nor disability on the other.”
John Stuart Mill |
Used his
position as Member of Parliament to advocate for votes for women, a very
controversial stance at the time. In his
famous essay, The Subjection of Women
he states, “the wife's position under
the common law of England is worse than that-of slaves in the laws of many
Hmmh - have things changed that much!!??
Read his essay here:
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