Being a published fiction writer isn't just about writing what you, your agent and your publisher feel is a good, hopefully great novel. 

But first, just to be clear, as most would-be writers know, it takes a whole lot of agony, sweat, persistence and rejection to even write a book, sign with an agent who will then sell your book (best-case scenario) to a publisher, so I have to count myself as fortunate to have even reached that point. Most writers have to be incredibly patient, thick-skinned and absolutely determined to get there.

So, once your book is finally revised, edited, proofread etc. etc. there are a few more steps before publication day:

  • an ARC (advance review copy) goes onto NetGalley, a site where professional reviewers, bloggers, librarians, journalists are able to request a copy in exchange for an honest review. Then begins the long wait, during which you find yourself checking the reviews and hoping the response will be positive. 
  • Other ARCs go out to authors, trade publications like Booklist and Publishers' Weekly and various magazines and websites in the hopes they will review the book and include some quotable comments that can be used when publicizing it.
  • Depending on your publisher, they may arrange appearances on podcasts, guest articles in newspapers/magazines, zines or your agent might do the same.
  • Most of the rest is up to you, the author to use your social media platform to spread the word about your book on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter (X), and Facebook. Anything goes here: Book trailers, aesthetics reels that convey the flavour/atmosphere of your book, posts, stories, blog posts, book giveaways. Anything to get your book out there in the public eye. It's exhausting, but maybe it will pay off if you get enough buzz going!
I've discovered that readers/influencers/other authors are usually incredibly generous when it comes to helping get the word out and that's why one of an author's most important jobs is to build up a platform of loyal readers/ followers.

I'm happy to have been on one terrific podcast so far; The Thriller Zone with David Temple was a blast. You can check out the video by clicking here

I'm now going to be appearing on the Poisoned Pen Bookstore podcast on Friday December 1st at 5:30 p.m (MT). The links to view live or a recorded version are down below:

So after all this, we writers hope that readers will be interested enough to pick up our book and more importantly, enjoy the fruits of our labour. I love to hear from readers and I'm always willing to make real or virtual appearances at book clubs. It's fascinating to hear enthusiastic readers find meaning in your work. Check out my website at to find out more details about book clubs.



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